Thursday, January 19, 2012

Responses to...

What do women want?

I thought this poem had a strong feminine voice. Even though it seemed shallow of her at first to me, to put so much focus on a dress, I think the dress later stood for her individuality and independence.
In class we discussed how she becomes the dress in the end of the poem, I agree with this. I think in some way, the idea of owning this dress and having a certain appearance gives the woman confidence, in a sort Cinderella way. I found it relatable. That being said I do not think the picture fits with the mood of the poem. Like I said I enjoyed the empowering feminine voice, and in the painting the female figure seems more like she’s whimpering.

The Street

I really enjoyed this poem, it had great imagination and storytelling. I found myself getting wrapped up in each stranger’s story and wanting to hear more. It had thoughtful insight, and adequately demonstrated how people are linked through a chain of connectivity but also disconnection.
I also, enjoyed the relationship between the poem and painting, I thought they were very compatible. They both elevate one another, but also stand as a complete piece of art on their own. Sometimes I found I would read a verse and then look at the painting and disagree, for instance, when the poem reads “The oriental couple wants always to dance like this: swirling across a crowded street” I instead interpreted the painting as them fighting. To me the women looked upset and the man seemed like he was trying to stop her. In addition the verse about the mistaken actor/baby was highly amusing.

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